Listado de vuelos de corto y medio radio cancelados con motivo de la huelga del SEPLA los días 9 y 11 de enero| List of medium- and short-haul flights canceled due to the Sepla Pilot’s Strike on January 9th and 11th


Ya tenemos el listado completo de vuelos afectados por la huelga del SEPLA convocada para el 9 y 11 de enero. En el listado que aparece a continuación podréis ver los vuelos de corto y medio radio afectados que completan los publicados ayer de largo radio.

Iberia ha flexibilizado las tarifas para facilitar el cambio o reembolso a los clientes afectados por estas cancelaciones y está buscando vuelos alternativos bien con Iberia, o con compañías con las que se han alcanzado acuerdos de protección de clientes. Las fechas coinciden con el regreso de las vacaciones de miles de personas, lo que supone una dificultad añadida para ofrecer alternativas aceptables, pero se hará todo lo posible para lograrlo, como sucedió en las pasadas jornadas de huelga.

Quienes hayan adquirido sus billetes a través de recibirán un mensaje sobre la incidencia que se haya producido en su vuelo y una opción alternativa de viaje, siempre que sea viable, que deberán aceptar en la propia web. También podrán llamar al teléfono que ha establecido Iberia para atender esta incidencia, el 902 100 988 en España (para el resto de países, podrán contactar con Serviberia), para que le ofrezcan alternativas. Si no desean volar, el reembolso lo pueden tramitar a través de la misma página web. Por su parte quienes lo hayan hecho a través de su agencia de viajes deben ponerse en contacto con esta para que puedan gestionar con ella los cambios o reembolsos de sus billetes y así agilizar los trámites.

Iberia mantendrá informados a sus clientes en todo momento a través de, Serviberia y el resto de call centers de Iberia en el mundo, de los perfiles de Iberia en Facebook y Twitter, de todos los puntos de atención al cliente en los más de 100 aeropuertos donde opera Iberia, y de las agencias de viajes.

Iberia agradece a sus clientes su comprensión ante esta situación, y a sus empleados el esfuerzo extra que están haciendo para ofrecer soluciones y atender a los afectados.

We already have the list of the affected flights due to the strike of the pilots union (SEPLA) the coming 9th and 11th of January. In the following list you can find the medium-and short-haul flights that are affected due to the strike and which completes the list of the long-haul flights we published yesterday.
Iberia will facilitate changes in tickets and refunds to affected customers and will do everything possible to place them on other Iberia flights or flights operated by other airlines. The dates coincide with the return of thousands of people from their holidays, making it harder to find suitable alternative travel options, but all efforts are being made to do so, as with the two December strike days.

Customers who bought their tickets on will receive messages if their flights are cancelled, including proposed trip alternatives when available. Customers can call the special telephone number established by the company to deal with strike-related queries and procedures when calling from Spain 902 100 988. For calls from other countries, click here. Refunds can also be requested at Customers who bought tickets at travel agencies should contact them to arrange changes or refunds, so to speedy these procedures.

The company will keep customers informed at all times via and its Call Centers around the world, its Facebook and Twitter pages, all Iberia desks at the more that 100 airports in which it operates, and travel agents.

Iberia thanks its customers for their patience and understanding. It is also grateful to its employees for their extra efforts in assisting customers.

Vuelos de corto y medio radio cancelados con motivo de la huelga del SEPLA el 9 de enero
Vuelos de corto y medio radio cancelados con motivo de la huelga del SEPLA el 11 de enero

We already have the list of the affected flights due to the strike of the pilots union (SEPLA) the coming 9th and 11th of January. In the following list you can find the medium-and short-haul flights that are affected due to the strike and which completes the list of the long-haul flights we published yesterday.

Iberia will facilitate changes in tickets and refunds to affected customers and will do everything possible to place them on other Iberia flights or flights operated by other airlines. The dates coincide with the return of thousands of people from their holidays, making it harder to find suitable alternative travel options, but all efforts are being made to do so, as with the two December strike days.

Customers who bought their tickets on will receive messages if their flights are cancelled, including proposed trip alternatives when available. Customers can call the special telephone number established by the company to deal with strike-related queries and procedures when calling from Spain 902 100 988. For calls from other countries, click here. Refunds can also be requested at Customers who bought tickets at travel agencies should contact them to arrange changes or refunds, so to speedy these procedures.

The company will keep customers informed at all times via and its Call Centers around the world, its Facebook and Twitter pages, all Iberia desks at the more that 100 airports in which it operates, and travel agents.

Iberia thanks its customers for their patience and understanding. It is also grateful to its employees for their extra efforts in assisting customers.

Medium- and short- haul flights canceled due to the SEPLA strike the 9th of January

Medium- and short- haul flights canceled due to the SEPLA strike the 11th of January
